All along Colorado’s Front Range there existed not a single purpose-built bike-only downhill MTB trail…until now, 2019! When we at FlowRide won the bid to design and build Floyd Hill Open Space’s new directional downhill trail, we spared no pains to make it memorable. Our challenge was to craft ancient craggy bedrock and steep, forested slopes into progressive lines and iconic features. High up on the site’s “dragon’s back” rock spine, after tons of puzzle-piecing boulders and slabs together, our team crafted expert-level rock features into lines that descend 300+ vertical
feet down the slope’s 20-30% grade spine.

This is just one of the many advanced option lines that supplement the
intermediate-level main trail, a fast and fun descent, chalk-full of rock features, sweeping berms, rollers, jumps, and drops. This action-packed downhill trail will keep riders coming back time after time, linking together new features and option lines, for a new experience every ride. With a trail and terrain as unique as this, our crews are maximizing every linear foot of trail to deliver something special very soon to the eagerly awaiting riders along the Front Range.